Ahad, 24 April 2011

Be wise with speed, investors told

by Steven Yong:

The car approached the junction at normal speed. As I was in a hurry (as usual), I was relieved to see that the lights were green. To my complete surprise the car started to slow down.
The lights are green.," I informed my friend who was driving. I assumed that he had not noticed that the lights were green. He replied, " Yes I know. My eyes are fine. I'm slowing down because the lights will turning red soon."

My protests fell on deaf ears. The car continued to slow down, I could swear I saw a snail overtaking us. Still the lights cheerily showed green. By now there was no perceptible sound coming from under the hood.

The lights turned amber and the car ( with one of its occupants
contemplating pushing the driver out of the car and taking over the wheel ), grudgingly rolled towards the junction. Just when the bumper was an inch away from the line that marked the junction,the light turned red. " You see! What did I tell you? I was right all along," triumphantly cried the man who was so close to walking home without his car. Due to compliance reasons my reply cannot be reprinted here.

Later that day, reflecting on the experience, it occurred to me that my friend was not so unique after all. I had read about and even observed first-hand the very same actions repeatedly happening in various situations.

Drivers talk about animals freezing on the road,
mesmerised by the glare of vehicle headlights,instead of rushing off. Bugs being attracted to bright lights and becoming toast. Traders stubbornly hanging on to bad investments and steadfastly refusing to admit what is painfully clear to everyone else around them.

In each case the rational observer looks on disbelief at the unfolding events and ultimate ending.Of course animals and bugs cannot be faulted for merely obeying evolutionary instincts. Humans, on the other hand, are supposed to be blessed with rational thinking and logic.

**INVESTMENT decisions must be based on rational analysis. NOT emotional reaction to events.

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